Become an Event Sponsor for The African Road 15th Anniversary Celebration!

Celebrating the Journey: 15 Years of Changemaking Together

Sunday, May 4th

at Daimler Headquarters Event Space in Portland

You can become an Event Sponsor, reach hundreds of African Road supporters and guests, and make an impact by investing in lasting change. Your support brings powerful transformation!


2025 Sponsorship Levels

Corporate Sponsorships










Corporate Sponsors receive:

  • Two tables seating eight each, at the gala fundraiser.
  • Prominent logo recognition on the African Road website.
  • Prominent logo recognition in event programs.
  • Your name & logo are displayed at the event.
  • Social media shout-outs.
  • Lots of love!

Signature Station Sponsorships – $3,500

Includes: Your name and sponsor level listed on the event program | One table with seating for eight

ID Kits for Indigenous Batwa, Burundi

Join in to share the story of this one-of-a-kind, signature African Road initiative in partnership with the indigenous people of Burundi. Together we are working to see 90,000 Batwa people receive legal identity and basic human rights.

Additionally, a three village pilot to equip Batwa indigenous people to lift themselves out of poverty is in its seventh year and provides a model for expansion to other villages.


VICOBA Plus Economic Empowerment

Join in to share the impact of VICOBA Plus training. Part business training, part savings group formation, and part dreaming big, VICOBA transforms communities and lives. Together we are working and planning with East African facilitators to see VICOBA reach hundreds of communities with transformational mindset change and community savings groups.

Togetherness Women’s Bakery, Rwanda

Fragrant, fresh, nutritious bread, skills and income- we love the Togetherness Bakery and the hope and health and empowerment this small business brings. Your support makes it possible to share the story of progress and sustainability that marks the work of African Road and celebrates these women in business.

NHGO – Forever Home and Future Vision

The long-time dream of the New Hope for Girls family, and the next step in their journey of financial stability, is the construction of a ‘Forever Home.’ Currently, the family rents a four-bedroom, two-bathroom house in Dar es Salaam. The house is bursting at the seams with this family of more than 60 people. Proper housing means increased relief from financial pressure and increased capacity for Consoler and Eliya to support the young women in their home, as well as space and joy for decades to come. 

     REACH Healing and Recovery  

Since 1996, REACH has helped transform enemies into friends, bringing them together for healing, reconciliation, and peacebuilding. Following forgiveness, Unity groups have formed for sharing life together. Today, with partnership from African Road, REACH is equipping the women and men who are choosing to live life in peace together, to flourish economically and deepen their social cohesion. Through partnership with Changemakers David Clemy and Peninah Mukashema, and REACH leadership, African Road is working to bring VICOBA training to all REACH Unity groups. These groups are forming a new VICOBA hub in Rwanda, promoting vital economic stability and hope. 



  Soccer for Community Transformation

Join in to share how soccer has impacted Togetherness Youth Cooperative. Soccer has and continues to bring hope and progress to an entire rural area in Rwanda. Soccer is used to build community, foster teamwork, promote conflict resolution, empower girls and youth, and facilitate peace and reconciliation. With the support of friends of African Road and The Portland Timbers and Thorns, a Phase I FIFA Junior field has been completed and a vision for Phase II is strong.

     ‘Party Down’ Station in Support of Art and Entertainment  

Join in and be the life of the party. You can support the performing arts, young artists, and bring memorable live music and entertainment, and a video wall viewing for the entire event.

This sponsorship level is truly valued and creates a wonderful experience for Gala guests.

Learning Station Sponsorships – $1,000 each

Includes: Your name and sponsor level displayed on the African Road website and at the event | Two tickets for entry to 5K and Festival

Batwa Education

Three Batwa indigenous rural villages have now been able to send their children to school for seven years. Prior to this partnership, few Batwa children in these villages were enrolled in or able to complete school. This project is lifting up a people group once known as invisible. Not only do children receive essential education, but, as they attend school with their neighbors, stigma and negative stereotypes are being dismantled and the seeds for real integration are being sown.

Batwa Farming, Burundi

Three rural villages are being equipped to feed their own children with food they have grown themselves. These Batwa people in Kayanza Province can now grow and harvest corn, rice, beans, potatoes, and cassava. These harvests feed 650 people and bring new farming skills for life. African Road ‘Village to Village’ partners at Bend First Presbyterian, along with help from friends at Valley Presbyterian in Portola Valley, CA, are investing in lasting change through long-term funding commitments and purposeful relationship building.

Batwa Culture and Housing

 Join in to share the story of the indigenous Batwa people of Burundi, who are known for their dancing, medicinal arts, and beautiful clay pot making. In the face of systematic discrimination, they continue forward. African Road partners with Evariste Ndikumana and the ASSEJEBA team, African Road to address inequities and systematic injustice. Most Batwa live as internally displaced people, having been evicted from their ancestral forest homes. Efforts to secure land rights and  acquisition, as well as access to secure housing for three partner villages, are included in this effort. 

Indigenous Leaders and Model Village

African Road is committed to working with indigenous leadership to co-create sustainable systemic change. The ID Kit Initiative is the only initiative in Burundi led by a credible Batwa leader and organization, working to bring comprehensive ID kits and benefits to Batwa people. The ASSEJEBA team is made up of Batwa women and men who are dedicated to bringing lasting, community-driven empowerment. It’s an honor to partner with these young leaders who are role models for their communities, as they create new visions for the future for Batwa women, men, and children. African Road works with a commitment to continue to build the capacity of each of our Changemaker partners in order that they can conduct their work with excellence and achieve their dreams and mission. From funding financial training to project management workshops, to English as a Second Language courses, we are there to see each Changemaker equipped to succeed.

Togetherness Preschool and Primary School

Innovation in education for a new generation. A business and a service to the village.

90 village kids ages 3-6  and 60 primary school students have a place to be and to learn while their parents work in the fields and the marketplace. Teachers use international best practices for early childhood education to make this one special school. Hands-on learning replaces desks and rote memorization and young minds learn creative thinking skills.

Togetherness History and Future

Join in to share the story of this remarkable community that was formed by Steven Turikunkiko, a young Rwandan responding to the urgent need of orphaned children and widowed women in the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi. Today, this growing group of 142 young people and children are family and home to each other. This also includes the story of House of Bright Hope – the ‘forever’ home acquired for Steven, his wife Providance, and their created family, including 23 orphaned children

All Souls – Ebenezer Women’s VICOBA Cooperative and Sewing Business

A long-held dream became a reality in 2020

Thanks to friends of African Road, the 42 women of the All Souls, Ebenezer VICOBA group launched a full-fledged sewing business at Togetherness in 2020 and it is thriving. School uniform orders, security guard uniforms, children’s backpacks, and women’s fashion creations mean a steady stream of work and income for these women. The Ebenezer seamstresses have even started teaching other women in the surrounding community how to sew. This sharing of skills equips and empowers more women to support themselves and their families.

Clean Water for All, Rwanda and Burundi

The Togetherness clean water well is a solar-powered success story. Access to clean water changes lives. The well at Togetherness serves thousands of people in the rural area. Your support amplifies this story of an important community hub and a contributor to community health and well being. The recent addition of an expanded water collection system and storage tanks helps conserve resources. This project was supported by a partnership with Rotary District 5100 Rotary clubs with special mention to Canby and Lake Oswego Rotarians. A new clean water project in Mwendo village, Burundi is also changing lives today. 

New Hope for Girls – Family

Consoler and Eliya Wilbert are a dynamic duo that care for, support, and empower nearly 60 girls and young women in their own home, plus hundreds more in Dar es Salaam. Their family is called New Hope for Girls. Young women and girls in this family have come from vulnerable and violent circumstances; through the loving care of the Wilbert, they experience healing and joy, and they are equipped with education and life skills to grow into independent women.  

A group of girls are wearing masks and aprons, as they work together to prepare hot pepper sauce. One girl is bottling the sauce, while one is placing labels on the bottles, while the closest girl carefully cuts the labels.

New Hope for Girls – Businesses

Since 2015, African Road has partnered with New Hope for Girls to support their goal of becoming self-sufficient through expanding income-generating activities. By tapping into available resources, and investing in the young womens’ passions and growing skills, the New Hope for Girls family builds foundations for sustainability through growing business ventures. New Hope for Girls’ latest income-producing ventures include a sewing shop, steadily growing pig farm, and yogurt and pili pili hot sauce production. Together, we are working for a sustainable future for this special family. 

A group of girls are wearing masks and aprons, as they work together to prepare hot pepper sauce. One girl is bottling the sauce, while one is placing labels on the bottles, while the closest girl carefully cuts the labels.

Strong Roots Together – Capacity Building with Changemakers

Strong Roots Together (previously known as The Learning Consultancy) initiative supercharges each Changemaker, and will equip them to expand their funding base and move toward sustainability. Changemakers advance and increase their autonomy, their communities thrive, and they can deepend and grow their current grassroots projects. This allows more people to be served. The Learning Consultancy positions Changemakers to share their hard-earned wisdom with others, for the sake of a better world.

Thank you for standing with African Road

You can join the Gala Sponsors!

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