2024 Learning Trip: Rwanda and Tanzania

Witness Hope, Transformation, and Joy at work

Dates In-Country: November 7th – 22nd, 2024
Optional add on a trip to Zanzibar: November 22nd – 25th

What is an African Road Learning Trip?


African Road Learning Trips are thoughtfully designed to give you an opportunity to experience East African culture and witness the power of community led change. You’ll meet extraordinary Changemakers and see the impact of their work and African Road partnership.

On an African Road Learning Trip, we don’t just visit projects, we connect with friends. We turn the idea of a ‘traditional trip to Africa’ on its head. Instead of asking you to come and fix, mend or build, we ask you to arrive open in heart and mind and ready to learn from community leaders in East Africa. They are the experts.

Each Learning Trip is a unique combination of deep conversation, great joy, challenging learning, meaningful team connection and hands on experience which add flavor and meaning to every trip. Activities for group reflection and team building are included each day.

Care is taken to provide expertise, comfortable lodging, fantastic food and a safe and enjoyable experience. 

You are invited to join the African Road team for an unforgettable trip 2024 to Rwanda and Tanzania.

About African Road

African Road is built on the foundation of friendship with Changemaker partners & their local communities in Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania, with impact across East Africa. The  Changemakers’ grit, integrity, and sacrificial leadership inspire us. We walk together to seed lasting change and sustainability; community driven development.

Since the work of African Road is based on relationships and friendships, a unique model of partnership has emerged, one that is sensitive to the local culture and is guided by the communities themselves. Instead of offering one-size-fits-all solutions, African Road takes time to listen to our Changemarker partners and communities. Together, we invest in change that equips communities to lift themselves up to thrive.


Departures from US on November 6th. Team members will meet in Amsterdam  and travel to Kigali, Rwanda together, arriving on the evening of November 7th.

This represents typical activities Learning Trip + 3 optional days. Activities and locations are subject to adjustment and moving parts.


Days in Rwanda

Welcome to Africa + Togetherness Youth Cooperative

  • Arrive in Kigali and settle in
  • Traditional drumming and dancing at Togetherness Youth Cooperative.
  • Meet the Changemaker – walk the cooperative with Steven Turikunkiko and hear his story.
  • Learn from the All Souls Ebenezer Women’s Cooperative. Hear about and see the impact of VICOBA Plus training in Rwanda.
  • Visit local markets and shop for souvenirs
  • Make bread at the Togetherness Women’s Bakery.
  • Join in at the Togetherness Preschool and appreciate their groundbreaking early childhood education program.
  • Join the neighborhood fans to cheer on a youth soccer match
  • Meet the Changemaker – Penina Mukashema, Togetherness President.
  • Eat dinner at a range of culturally interesting, local restaurants including Mille Collines aka Hotel Rwanda and world renowned ‘Heaven’ social enterprise.

Learning from Rwanda – Hope in Unexpected places

  • Meet the Changemaker – Philbert Kalisa will guide us through his work leading post genocide peace and reconciliation initiatives.
  • Explore the astonishing and beautiful Kigali city.
  • Visit the Genocide Memorial Centre in Kigali.
  • Hear profound stories of reconciliation and healing from genocide survivors and perpetrators.

Days in Tanzania

Inspiration and Joy at New Hope for Girls

  • Meet the Changemakers Consoler and Eliya Wilbert and the nearly 70 girls of the New Hope for Girls family, a healing home for girls and young women rescued from modern slavery, child marriage, and other vulnerable circumstances.
  • Be astonished by the powerful work of this young couple.
  • Experience Consoler’s life work and remarkable methodology, be moved and inspired. Learn from Consoler, hear her story and hear more of the New Hope for Girls history and vision.
  • Enjoy family games and play, and join in for a memorable family dinner.
  • Learn from the Elimika Women’s Cooperative VICOBA Plus group, and we might even be joined by VICOBA Plus founder and Ugandan Changemaker David Clemy.
  • Visit the New Hope for Girls Forever Home construction site. This transformative project is the result of strategic planning for sustainability.
  • Travel by Tuk-Tuk through town, have time for shopping and relaxation.

Optional 3 Days: Zanzibar!

  • Stay at peaceful waterfront, historic Mizingani Hotel in Stonetown.
  • Swim in the lovely tiled hotel cool courtyard, or enjoy the salt air breeze.
  • Evening stroll to the world famous Night Market food extravaganza.
  • Guided walking tour of Old Stonetown.
  • Free time for shopping, swimming, or book a boat ride.
  • Rest and relax or, book an excursion to a white sand beach, take a spice farm tour or visit an animal sanctuary.


African Road team member, Madison Zurcher, sits in-between two of the New Hope for Girls daughters, Maria and Nuru, while visiting in Tanzania.

Trip Costs (per person)

  • Groups over 15 people $5,000
  • Groups under 15 people $5,500
  • One country option $3,500
  • Zanzibar addition (four travelers or more) $1,600 (plus any optional add-on excursions)

We are offering the one-country option for this particular trip but we do encourage travelers to join for the full team experience if at all possible. Much orientation takes place in Rwanda and sets the stage for Tanzania. The experiences, contexts, projects, history and Changemaker guides in each location are unique and equally inspiring.

Travel costs are all inclusive of lodging, meals, cultural experiences and excursions, ground transportation, entertainment, tips, admission fees.

Travelers cover their own international airfare, travel insurance* and travel medications/vaccinations*

*Comprehensive Travel Insurance to meet criteria required

For more information or questions about the November 2024 Learning Trip, contact: info@africanroad.org 

Background checks will be required for all travelers. Travelers can be denied participation at the organization’s discretion for reasons of health, safety or legal considerations.

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