African Road had the privilege of interviewing Tom Beck. Tom and his wife Harriet are long standing supporters of the work of African Road, and we asked them what inspires them to be such faithful partners in our work.
How long have you been a friend and supporter of African Road?
For about five years. I have known Kelly and her family for many years. Kelly’s mom Edie connected us with African Road; Kelly was looking to move African Road’s offices from her home and we were able to assist with some vacant office space. I was intrigued with what I learned about African Road.
How does the work of African Road align with your values?
I have had an interest in helping the disadvantaged in Africa for many years. I was able to visit Africa twice several years ago and saw first-hand the plight of the people – very high unemployment rates, no safety nets and very little hope for the future – especially for widows and orphans.
What is it that most excites you about the work of African Road?
The results that are being achieved. Through their partnership with high quality and high integrity local leaders, African Road has developed a vision and a plan for bringing lasting change to many of the people with the greatest needs in East Africa. I’m pleased to be a partner in this great adventure.
The annual Gala is African Road’s most important fund raiser as well as a great opportunity to introduce others to African Road and update African Road partners/supporters. The receipts from the Gala not only fund many of the projects in East Africa, they also provide a “firm foundation”, which is critically important to African Road’s future growth and ability to impact even more lives.
If a few of us can come together to cover the costs for the evening, then 100% of the funds raised at the Gala can go directly to African Road. There are many levels of sponsorship, so companies or individuals can provide support at a level that matches their financial situation.
African Road would like to thank Tom and Harriet Beck for their faithful partnership, equipping and empowering Changemakers in East Africa.