In many rural communities in East Africa, there are many barriers for families with young children to access to early childhood education opportunities. African Road Changemakers who work closely with youth understand the value and developmental benefits of fostering enrichment, curiosity, and play from a young age. Changemaker partners across East Africa are taking steps to tend to these needs for their communities.
Early Childhood and Ongoing Education
Togetherness Youth Cooperative in Rwanda was formed in the devastating aftermath of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide against the Tutsi. The community has come a long way since gathering together from child-headed households, and, led by Changemakers Steven Turikunkiko, many of the original members now provide leadership and care for a group of more than 145 young people. Togetherness has become a hub for community, empowerment, connect, and childhood education. The Togetherness preschool and primary school is a valued resource for the surrounding community.
Changemaker Evariste Ndikumana and his indigenous ASSEJEBA team in Burundi work to advocate for their people, the indigenous Batwa who are some of the most marginalized people on earth. On top of empowering Batwa people with ID Kits, Evariste and the ASSEJEBA team also work to equip three rural Batwa villages so that every child can have the opportunity to attend school. These Batwa children are now able to receive preschool, primary, and secondary level education, socialize and breakdown negative stereotypes, and gain literacy; expanding opportunities for them and for their communities.
African Road walks alongside both Togetherness Cooperative in Rwanda and the ASSEJEBA team in Burundi, as they respond to the needs of their communities. These teams recognize the benefit of children exploring their creativity from an early age, and want to provide an excellent level of education for the children in their communities so they can develop a joy for learning through play.
Togetherness and ASSJEBA are both building much needed school facilities, in their own contexts where schools are not readily available, and are committed to working with families to ensure that their children are getting the opportunities to thrive.